Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Northwoods

I am in the Minocqua, WI area this Memorial Day holiday....I have 4 glorious days to do as I please, thanks to my dear friend Sue who opens her home to the people in her life. I am most appreciative for her generosity.

Before going outside, I was curious about what the New Moon today signified, so I asked Sue to fire up her PC (it is so old that everytime I type in a new website address and hit return, the computer does this loud, gearing up kinda roar...I am waiting for it to blow up "no, stop, too much already" it seems to be saying, or "these websites are so odd, why are you asking me to go there?"). I find that this one is in Gemini, which governs the mind and thought processes, so it is about communications or community matters. It is also Mercury Retrograde, ooohhh, that trickster on communications. So, work on clearing negativity, reclaim one's mental space and look at what gets our attention...what things does one need to put limits on? Brainstorm, consider what you want to build, but don't jump into action until after May 30th (purists may say, though, that M.R. is felt all the way yet until June 15th). There is also a triple conjunction of Chiron (the wounded healer), Neptune and Jupiter from May 20th to June 10th, asking us to heal spiritual wounds, look for new support from peers, spiritual/healing groups, reach out and share one's inner strength/truth with others, heal from the illusion that we are separate from each other and issues related to taking on power in the world.

Yup, I see it happening, it's falling into place. Today's lesson for me is about allowing what is naturally there to be there, let life unfold, and know that all is well and provided.

I was sitting on the dock earlier today, at VanderCook Lake, staying at my friends' amazing home in the woods, a calmness surrounds and pervades the home and the land it is on. The girls add this joie de vivre that adults don't touch anymore. Mason, the german shephard, stays with me while the others are out. There is my pick of canoe/numerous kayaks ("One can never have too many non-motorized outdoor gear" as said by Dudley Improta, Mr. U of MT Rec Dept head and self-annointed gearhead) on the beach, it's a bluebird blue sky day, a slight breeze at my back, it's sooo quiet, trees are green, now and then an owl hoots or a woodpecker drums on a tree or a fish strikes at a lakefly on the water's surface. The wind chimes give resonance to the wind. Various birds chirp in symphony.

My energy level, my body reminds me to let go, to relax, no need for doing anything more than BE. Accept. Be totally here. I love my life, and when I get out of the pitty party, all I see is cause for rejoicing.

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