Saturday, June 27, 2009


Note: Reading my post "Farrah's Story" May 19, 2009 will shed more light on today's post........

Rest in Peace, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.

In the midst of thousands who died on Thursday, the most noted in the press were two icons of pop culture. Yet, they were "regular" people, just like most people. They both had issues with life, both were deeply afraid of their power, and both were easily swayed and victimized by Big Pharma that the answers to their problems would come from pharmaceuticals, radiation, surgeries, and money.

I still assert that these two, amongst many, were here on this earth not just to entertain us, but to teach us all significant lessons. By being willing to submit to the dominant paradigm of thought/health "care" (I call it "sickcare"), they were showing those who are still living and are enamored of the lies by the dominant authority how these lies and ignorances lead to a crash and burn existence. The reality is: drugs do not a quality of life make. Especially Farrah's story.....calling the devastating effects of chemotherapy "treatment" and then the system saying "she died of cancer....."

I thank Farrah and Michael for their courage, for this profound teaching......

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