3. Pleura Left lung. Mesoderm origin, controlled by the cerebellum (old brain). The conflict of "attack" against one's chest, real or figurative, a threat or an imagined attack (probably my fears that I was having a heart attack during my two previously described HHs), attack on one's integrity can be experienced as an attack against the pleura. The brain and pleura's response during attack is to thicken the costal pleura to protect it against further attacks (stabs or blow) or mentally (such as the shock response to "you have a lung tumor!").
This Hamer focus was conflict active at the time of my scan (5/5/09). Once conflict has been resolved, the pleura goes into healing, or effusion. It is in this phase that one would have sensation: pain, swelling, fluid on lungs, shortness of breath. The degree of healing symptoms is directly proportional to the amount of conflict and inversely to the degree of understanding symptoms/phases and not panicking, instead relaxing, embracing, resting, and, if you have a good practitioner, therapies which support the body and balance the healing response (I talk with Dr. Christopher Lowthert, DC in Pennsylvania, use chinese herbs from Dr. Guo, and take Rescue Remedy ALOT).
I do believe that I have gone into conflict resolution or healing on this one.....I am having a mild persistent burning over the left lung, fatigue is setting in, my extremities are warm, and my appetite is very strong. Dr. Guo has me on herbs which regulate water metabolism, ie, diuresis, and this is most likely keeping the symptoms mild. I am tired today, and will probably take the day off tomorrow, to continue resting.
So, here is an example of how GNM can explain what is occurring with someone, and I hope that this perks interest in someone out there. To learn more details, go to www.germannewmedicine.com.....a wealth of information. Again, my thanks to the reader for your interest, and just a reminder, if you have more questions, comments, please write to me!
I am grateful to Drs. Chris, Meyer, Guo and Aldridge, David, Caroline, my family and friends, especially Ann-Marie for their love and support as I go through my healing, and my study.
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